Psychologist Licensing by State
What Standardized Psychology Tests Will I Need to Take to Earn My License to Practice Psychology?
No matter which state you’ll eventually practice psychology in, you’re going to be taking a standardized psychology test. There are two major types: the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) and the Professional Standards Exam (PSE).
The EPPP is the more common psychology standard test. It covers eight unique psychological areas: Biological Bases of Behavior, Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior, Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior, Growth and Lifespan Development, Assessment and Diagnosis, Treatment, Intervention, and Prevention Supervision, Research Methods and Statistics, and Ethical/Legal/Professional Issues. This exam takes four hours to complete and is comprised of 225 questions. It also costs about $600.
If offered, the PSE is an exam that check’s the candidate’s knowledge of psychology ethics and laws for the state in which they’re going to practice. The way PSE is given is determined by the states that offer it. Some offer it as an oral exam while others give out a paper test. If it’s given as a regular test, it’s often made up of open-ended questions. This allows the state’s psychology licensing board to see how the license candidate would act in various ethical situations. The cost of this test varies by state, but the average price is $50.