
PsychologyJobs.com is the job board for the mental health and behavioral health industries.

We connect you with qualified mental health and behavioral health professionals so you can fill open roles quicker.

Our jobseeker database is 75,000 (and growing daily) and the board was visited 29,978 times in September 2024.

Job posts start at $299 for 30 days making us a cost-effective way to advertise to a highly targeted audience of psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, counselors, therapists, LCSWs, clinical directors and more.

Our services

We offer 4 advertising packages to reach our audience at a budget to suit:

  • Standard – a 30 day job posting on the board for $299
  • Reach – standard package + broad email alert for $499
  • Premium – reach package + featured listing for $599
  • Ultimate – premium package + distribution to partner sites + targeted pitch to relevant segments of our audience for $799

We offer advertising agencies a 15% discount and we have a variety of upgrades available at checkout including add-ons which can help you attract veterans, diverse candidates or to boost overall reach of your job advert.

Learn more about our pricing and packages.

Why advertise with us?

We exist to make your life easier.

We’ve helped recruiters and talent acquisition teams just like you to find:

  • Clinical Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • LCSWs
  • LPCs
  • ABA therapists
  • Addiction counselors
  • Intake specialists
  • Psychiatric nurse practitioners
  • Behavioral therapists
  • Clinical directors
  • Mental health directors
  • Professors
  • And more

Put simply, we can get your open roles in front of clinical & managerial professionals in all states and at all stages of their careers.

Learn more about our audience

How do we compare?

Perhaps you’re currently using a general job board? Or you’re considering us vs one of our industry competitors?

  • Niche-focused – we understand the market and we attract candidates and employers who seek a laser-focused experience.
  • Quality over quantity – the general job boards might have some impressive numbers but what use are hundreds of irrelevant applications for you to sift through?
  • More cost effective – some of our closest rivals charge 40%-60% more than we do.
  • Organic traffic – PsychologyJobs.com ranks highly in Google for key industry terms. More than 80% of our job seekers arrive via a Google search which means we can deliver jobseekers that many of our rivals simply can’t.

You’ll be in good company…